Center for Excellence in
Risk Management

Create a new ‘all things risk’ business. 

Establish a world-recognized center for risk assessment and management.

Become internationally recognized as the holder and purveyor of the best practices in this field.

Become resource center to provide services, answer questions, connect customers with other service providers, etc.

Build reputation to point where certification by CERM becomes essential to demonstrate state-of-the-art and highest standard of excellence.

As is explained in the business concept memo, CERM was developed by WKM Consultancy, LLC (WKMC) and is undergoing continuous updating by WKMC and other collaborators. CERM content is significant and growing. Plans are underway to make CERM publicly available in the near future. Since the rollout and initial availability of CERM’s content can happen in several ways, input is sought from interested parties who may wish to be a part of this vision.

To provide feedback and for all inquiries, please contact us at RiskCERM@gmail.com.